Column Size

Column width can be easily changed by applying a preset, or by customization. The options available for column sizing are designed to meet a variety or formatting needs, including text wrapping for column and row headers. These tools give you flexibility and control over the look of your grid and ensure legibility.

Changing Column Widths on the Canvas

Single Row Width

Column widths may be increased or decreased by hovering over column header border until the cursor appears as a double arrow. Drag the cursor to the left to shrink the column, or to the right to enlarge it.

Combined Row Width

You can also customize the combined row width. This is useful if you have a large grid containing several row columns, and you want to ensure that each row column is visible.

To customize the combined row width, hover over the border between the right-most row and the left-most column. A double-headed arrow will appear (blue arrow below); drag the arrow to increase or decrease the total row width. Depending on your grid row settings (continue reading to learn more), a scroll bar may be added to the bottom of the grid (green arrow below).

Column Sizing Menu Options

The Column Sizing drop-down list features a number of presets that determine the width of the grid's columns, and whether the column or row width should be customizable. This drop-down can be found in the Formatting panel and the Component ribbon.

Formatting Panel

The Column Size drop-down is located on the Settings Tab of the Matrix Grid view on the Formatting panel. For a description of each of the Column Size preset options, see Column Size Preset Options.

Component Ribbon

Open the Column Sizing drop-down from the Component ribbon and select the required preset. Alternatively, select Custom to customize columns widths. For a description of each of the Column Size preset options, see Column Size Preset Options.

Column Size Preset Options

Publish and Present: Grid Size Settings Dialog

In Publish and Present, you can also update the Column Size from the Grid Size Settings dialog.

For more information, see: